Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – Nowa Era Przygód Zaczyna się na PC na!
Przygotuj się na emocjonującą kontynuację jednej z najlepszych gier RPG wszech czasów! Final Fantasy VII Rebirth przenosi Cię w sam środek epickiej opowieści, pełnej zwrotów akcji, niezapomnianych postaci i wspaniałych krajobrazów. Gra, która zdobyła serca graczy na konsolach, teraz debiutuje na PC, oferując niesamowitą jakość wizualną oraz płynność rozgrywki.
Dołącz do Clouda Strife’a, Tify, Aerith i reszty drużyny, którzy wyruszają na kolejną wielką przygodę. Zmagaj się z niebezpieczeństwami, które czają się w każdym zakątku tego przepięknego, otwartego świata, i podejmuj decyzje, które będą miały ogromny wpływ na przyszłość bohaterów.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to więcej niż gra – to doświadczenie, które musisz przeżyć. Na czekają na Ciebie niezapomniane emocje i przygody, które wyznaczą nowy standard w gatunku RPG!
This product is a bundle containing FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH and the digital content. FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH is also available for purchase as a standalone product. Please be wary of duplicate purchases. Please visit the individual product pages for details.
■ Digital Deluxe Edition Contents:
- Digital Art Book
- Digital Mini Soundtrack
- Summon materia: Magic Pot
- Accessory: Reclaimant Choker
- Armor: Orchid Bracelet
- Summon materia: Posh Chocobo
* The digital content may be made available for purchase at a later date.
The second game of the FINAL FANTASY VII remake trilogy
After escaping Midgar, the City of Mako, Cloud and his friends overcome the boundaries of fate and step into the unknown wasteland.
A vast world with many characteristics awaits, as well as a new story where you will run through fields on chocobos to freely explore points of interest.
■ Story
The lifestream forms the very cycle of existence, with all life born from the planet and all returning to its embrace. However, the sinister Shinra Electric Power Company extracts this vital life energy, spending it liberally as a fuel source called “mako”.
After a ferocious battle, Ex-SOLDIER Cloud Strife and his companions Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Red XIII escape the mako-powered city of Midgar to step out into the wide world. A journey across the planet begins - riding Chocobos across vast and trackless plains, visiting many familiar places in pursuit of the fallen hero Sephiroth, and the chase culminating in the party’s journey to “The Forgotten Capital” from the original FINAL FANTASY VII.
At the same time, SOLDIER 1st class Zack Fair drags his battered body across the wastelands leading into Midgar, supporting his dear friend who is delirious from severe mako poisoning. Beyond the boundary between life and death, he sees an ominous rift spreading across the heavens.
The Shinra Resistance Committee, a rising power led by the acting government of Wutai, declares war.
A group of mysterious figures veiled in dark black cloaks carry the remains of Jenova, the “Calamity from the Sky”, to ends unknown.
Sensing the planet’s encroaching crisis, the ancient guardians known as Weapons begin to awaken within the lifestream itself.
All while the machinations of Cloud’s sworn enemy, Sephiroth, cause countless fates to collide and entwine, and lo, destiny itself will be reborn again.

The FINAL FANTASY VII remake trilogy
The FINAL FANTASY VII remake project uses the latest technology to bring FINAL FANTASY VII, the legendary RPG that enchanted the world, to a new generation and allows fans to experience the famed story reimagined.
The first game in the trilogy, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, was released in 2020, achieving critical acclaim across the globe and shipping more than seven million units worldwide. Now, the second game, FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, returns to tell the story at the core of the trilogy and has already achieved critical acclaim.