Emiko's Pledge 2 is a 2D Platform Action game based on the story of a Half-Demon girl called Emiko, whose mission is to protect all the residents of the Ettaze state from the enemies who infiltrated into the territory.
After the rescue mission of Grandpa Jenz was accomplished, Emiko decided to join Anzu, the niece of Grandpa Jenz as well as the daughter of one of the members of the Tri-Demon boys group. By joining forces with Anzu, a weight had been lifted off her shoulder when it comes to tackling the enemy forces.
Anzu shared her story with her and they together decided to start their journey for Simon village. Emiko, being a temporary member of the Tri-Demon girls team, decided to help her out with the mission. During their journey through the Ettaze ruins and the Zanzoi forest, they came to know about The Penta-Demon tribe who infiltrated into the territory with the mission of destroying the Ettaze state. Meanwhile, Eiko, the second member of the Tri-Demon girls team, appeared in the scene when they reached the Simon village. But during the exploration, Emiko got separated from Anzu and Eiko and ended up in the Oclatus cave alone where she came across the third formidable member of the Penta-Demon tribe unexpectedly.
You play as Emiko and will you be able to exit the cave alive and reunite with the members of Tri-Demon girls team? Her fate is in your hands now.