Rescue Team: Clouded Mind

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Angol nyelven


Kulcs - Steam


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Rescue Team: Clouded Mind to emocjonująca gra dostępna na, w której przejmujesz dowodzenie nad Drużyną Ratunkową, aby stawić czoła zagrożeniu ze strony tajemniczego kultu.

Zarządzaj zasobami, wykonuj różnorodne misje ratunkowe i ratuj ludzkość przed wpływem złowrogiego gazu zmieniającego umysł.

Przeżyj intensywne przygody na 65 poziomach pełnych wyzwań, ulepszaj sprzęt i awansuj swoich bohaterów, aby odkryć prawdę i ocalić świat!


The world faces an unprecedented threat as an enigmatic cult spreads its influence. Masses of people begin to abandon their free will and follow the cults orders, as reports flood in from various locations worldwide, it’s down to the Rescue Team to save humanity once again!

As the chaos spreads, it will be down to you to guide the Rescue Team members through the pandemonium. Spurred on by the urgent broadcasts and calls for help, you’ll need to navigate turmoil, destruction, despair, and life-threatening situations - all the while tracking down and investigating clues to identify the people behind it all.

Resist the cult’s influence. Protect the indomitable human spirit. Find a way to counteract the effects of the mind-altering gas and save the world in Rescue Team: Clouded Mind!



In Rescue Team: Clouded Mind, as in any time manager you have to accurately calculate the time for building, collecting resources and timely use of bonuses.
The game has a large variety of buildings and unique items, collecting them you will perform tasks and participate in unique adventures.

Collect a squad of rescuers, perform a variety of tasks to save people and animals, restore buildings and put out fires, and most importantly - save humanity from the sinister cult of mind stealers.


Game Features:

  • Complete 65 levels
  • Catchy downloadable Original Soundtrack
  • Beautiful desktop wallpapers
  • Earn dozens of achievements
  • Lead the investigation and collect a collection of photos
  • Upgrade equipment, level up heroes

  • Become a detective and collect your own evidence
  • Characters’ bios

  • Game Encyclopedia
  • Collection of stickers




    • OS *: Windows 7 or later
    • Processor: 2 GHz processor
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: GPU with at least 512MB of VRAM
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 1 GB available space

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