Evil Dead: The Game

Evil Dead: The Game



Nyelvi verzió:

Angol nyelven


Kulcs - Steam


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Evil Dead: The Game

Take on the role of Ash Williams or his friends from the legendary Evil Dead series and work as a team in a game loaded to the brim with multiplayer action, co-op and PvP modes! Join a team of four survivors as they work together to explore, loot, deal with fear and find the items necessary to close the gap between worlds in this game inspired by all three original Evil Dead films and the STARZ original series Ash vs.

Cult Characters

Play as Evil Dead universe characters such as Ash, Scotty, Lord Arthur, Kelly Maxwell, and many more. Enjoy new dialogue performed by Bruce Campbell and other actors.

Take the side of good or evil

Fight for the forces of good or take control of the Kandarian Demon to hunt down Ash and others, possessing Deadites, environmental elements and more and trying to swallow their souls!

Cool Visual Effects

Whether you're dismembering Deadites with Ash's chainsaw or flying across the map as a Kandarian Demon, gruesomely realistic physics-based effects bring this horror movie to life!

Here's my gun

Swing your shotgun, chainsaw, cleavers and whatever else you can to inflict some delightfully gruesome violence on the armies of darkness.





  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Memory: 8 GB



  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: i7-7700 lub Ryzen 2600X
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Graphics: GTX 1070 Ti lub RX 5600 XT


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